Welcome to Consortium of Experiences Auctions - liquidation of estates - receivership - endowment management Our Services Contact Us CELEBRATING A MILESTONE WHILE LOOKING FORWARD TO A PROMISING FUTURE! Why Consortium of Experiences? SHREWD VISIONBuilding a customer-focused culture, providing exceptional, innovative and outstanding services ASPIRING MISSIONShowcase “Consortium of Experiences” as peerless milestone in offering governance-based business services PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHYAll of the efforts, energies and resources available at “Consortium of Experiences” are dedicated to highlighting its business philosophy UNCOMPROMISING QUALITYproviding practical solutions based on quality and experience to get the work done professionally Welcome to “Consortium of Experiences” new family! About Consortium of Experiences “Consortium of Experiences” reveals a brighter image of an inspiring integration journey, heading confidently towards a promising future. The company's story began with firm determination and high ambition, its first threads were skillfully woven in the Kingdom of progress, in the most honorable and pure spot, Makkah Al-Mukarramah. More Details IN LINE WITH 2030 VISION Our Services CELEBRATING A MILESTONE WHILE LOOKING FORWARD TO A PROMISING FUTURE! About Consortium of Experiences The company manages the judicial sequestration by following transparent governanceEndowments of all types are managed according to governance approach, where endowment affairs are organized MANAGEMENT AND MARKETING OF GOVERNMENT AND PRIVATE AUCTIONSThe management and organization of government and private auctions adopt the governance system SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES AND ESTATES CONSENSUALLY AND JUDICIALLYprovides the services of consensual and judicial settlement of estates plus liquidation of companies thru the governance approach JUDICIAL SEQUESTRATIONThe company manages the judicial sequestration by following transparent governance Contact Us Our Services آراء العملاء إئتلاف، شركة ذات خبره عاليه في مجالها . وذات ثقه. لا تبدأ في المشروع الا بعد ما تطرح جميع الأسئلة عليك ، وهذه نقطه مهمه جدا ، لانها بهذه تصل إلى أعلى النتائج المطلوبة.. انصح فيها و بكل تأكيد سوف استخدم خبرتها في مشاريع أخرى. كل التوفيقخديجة علي إئتلاف، شركة ذات خبره عاليه في مجالها . وذات ثقه. لا تبدأ في المشروع الا بعد ما تطرح جميع الأسئلة عليك ، وهذه نقطه مهمه جدا ، لانها بهذه تصل إلى أعلى النتائج المطلوبة.. انصح فيها و بكل تأكيد سوف استخدم خبرتها في مشاريع أخرى. كل التوفيقحسين سعيد إئتلاف، شركة ذات خبره عاليه في مجالها . وذات ثقه. لا تبدأ في المشروع الا بعد ما تطرح جميع الأسئلة عليك ، وهذه نقطه مهمه جدا ، لانها بهذه تصل إلى أعلى النتائج المطلوبة.. انصح فيها و بكل تأكيد سوف استخدم خبرتها في مشاريع أخرى. كل التوفيقعائشة